The Port2Port challenge which set the community to swim from (Port Hedland to Fremantle Port) by counting laps to put against kms!
The community celebrated the end of the Challenge with prize-giving and a BBQ which ran from 1 November 2018 – 28 February 2019.
One of the participants is YMCA's very own Duty Manager; Sandra Schmich, who has individually swam 5,000 laps of the 50m pool. That is the equivalent of swimming from Port Hedland to Karratha!
Another inspirational story is Luke Whatley. Luke is wheelchair bound and initially started swimming only two to three laps of the pool each session. Through Luke’s participation in the P2P Swimming Challenge he is now swimming every day and swims up to 70 laps per session! Luke came second in the lap tally with 3,180 laps, which is a phenomenal achievement.
Mick Graham, one of our regular lane swimmers came in third with an impressive 3,060 laps.
Some important numbers:
• 35,400 – the number of laps in the 50m pool targeted (Port Hedland to Fremantle Port)
• 309 – the number of registered participants
• 319 – the number of laps swam in excess of our return trip
• 3,556 – the number of kilometers swam
• 71,119 – the number of laps of the 50m pool that the community swam
Plus some fantastic individual numbers:
• 3,060 – the number of laps swam by Mick Graham
• 3,180 – the number of laps swam by Luke Whatley
• 5,000 – the number of laps swam by Sandra Schmich
We applaud the team at Port Hedland for creating this very successful community event!

Left to right: Luke Whatley, Sandra Schmich and Mick Graham.